Water Project at Namelok – Phase One

Lunchbox stretching Sept 2014

We are excited to announce the completion of phase one of Namelok’s Water Project: the water tower. We will be positioning the water tank on top of the tower for optimal and easiest water flow. (The tower’s height will eliminate the need for a second pump.) In phases two and three, we will also be laying down the pipes to connect the tank to the nearest borehole 550 meters away beside the local church.

Thank you for helping us meet our goal of raising $4000 to bring water to Namelok Junior Academy in Kisamis, Kenya. We look forward to the day (soon) when we can turn on the water for our eager and energetic students. More photos, updates, and writings from the students to follow!

Water tower phase 1 Namelok June 2018
Namelok school TM KioKit July 2016