Mother, by Deborah Naishipae

Deborah Naishipae Namelok Aug 2017

Deborah writes about love with a child’s unfiltered honesty. “Love is like the sunshine. It shines for a while and then it’s gone … It is like the birth of a child. It hurts for a while, then is soon forgotten, leaving you with only the memories of a wonderful and loving life.” Deborah is only in grade school, but she knows that with love there is also heartache and loss. How early do we learn that love is both perfect and flawed?

When I founded Lift the Lid eight years ago, my first fundraising strategy for our schools was to ask my family to make donations in lieu of my birthday and Christmas gifts. At first, they were uncomfortable without a gift in hand, but they have since come to understand the gift the students are to me. I love each one wanting nothing in return.

The students experience my love through our writing projects, through the basic needs Lift the Lid covers, and through their education, which we strive to improve every day. Their actions and writings pass that love on to their parents, teachers and friends, and so it goes, love never ending.

We are channels of love and connected by it, a force strong enough to unite the world, if allowed to grow.

Thank you, Mom and Tim, for your love and for this year’s Christmas gift, your donation to Namelok Junior Academy in Kisamis, Kenya, where Deborah attends the third grade. Our current priorities at Namelok are to buy text books and to pay the teachers’ salaries.

Deborah Nashipae - 4th comp - Mother - 2nd pl - Masters - Namelok Jan2 018
Deborah Nashipae - 4th comp Mother - 2nd pl - Masters - Namelok Jan 2018
Deborah Nashipae - 4th comp - Mother - 2nd pl - Masters - Namelok Jan2 018