My Prayer, by Jemar Cornelio

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Tami, Lift the Lid can’t thank you enough for your donation to The School in a Cart in Cubao, the Philippines. Jemar writes about his longing for a house for himself, his four younger siblings, and his parents. His family was promised a house by a television program hostess for their participation in her project, which to date the family has not seen. Jemar mentions this in his essay. Living on the street since birth, it is not surprising what Jemar asks the Lord for as he prays this Easter, 2012. Jemar is 12 years old and is going into the 5th grade.

My Prayer, by Jemar Cornelio (Translated from Tagalog or Filipino)

Lord, I want to have a house
so I could leave the sidewalk
I want to get rich
always lacking in food
I pray that somebody
will give us a house.
Thank you, Korina Sanchez (he spelled it Quirina Sajess)
for the house you gave (still to be given).

With Love, Jemar

gemmar essay school-in-a-cart