What I Learned, by Sunshaine Bujawe and Romel Rubio

sunshaine bujawe siac april 2013

A big thank you to author Connie Mann for contributing The Magic of Words to Lift the Lid’s Writers’ Blog. We are also extremely grateful for her contribution to The School in a Cart. Connie has traveled to the Philippines and understands firsthand how tough it is for the children living on the streets to complete their education and find work. But what might seem like a hopeless situation doesn’t stop the children from wanting to learn and be the best they can be. Thank you, Connie, for helping them along!

One way The School in a Cart uses the donations we send is by buying supplies for teaching and learning aids. Former student Jeffrey Garcia has made a few different theater boxes for storytelling which the children respond to and enjoy. Here they are hearing the story of the Prodigal Son told in a modern-day context.

Students Sunshaine Bujawe (as seen in the above photo) and Romel Rubio wrote about what they learned from the theater box.

“I learned to say ‘I am sorry!’ The (box) brings life to the character. I told (Big Brother Alfredo) they were like actors. The shows Teacher Nonie did were nice and they were like movies, good shows just like the ones in television. Thank you!”  –Sunshaine

“I learned that (character) Jimmy joined friends from the street to gather junks. He slept in one street corner. He went back to his family and asked forgiveness from staying out long (on the street) and in the computer shop. He was forgiven and went back to school.”  –Romel

sunshaine bujawe and romel rubio visual aid essays siac april 2013

The students of The School in a Cart can relate to the story of a boy who does not return home at night. For them, there is little difference between home and the streets. Here are photos of Sunshaine’s ‘house’ for her and her 9 siblings, parents and grandparents.

jordans home siac sept 2012
sunshaine bujawe home interior siac april 2013