Tree of Fruit, by Enock Pariken

Enock Pariken Jan 2016 outside his school in Kisamis, Kenya

Enock Pariken outside his school in Kisamis, Kenya

Every opportunity to write is an opportunity to look inside yourself, to see and understand life in a unique way, to build the courage to share yourself (your brilliance) with others. Lift the Lid is a two-fold charity. We raise funds to develop our sponsored schools, and we ask for something in return. Our students are talented, and have talents yet to be discovered, so we make that our business, asking them to write, to look deeper, to take a chance and to believe. They. Are. Worth. It.

Thank you, Cherry, for your generous donation to Namelok Junior Academy. Here is Enock’s free verse poem, TREE OF FRUIT, typed out. His original work is below:

“Teachers are like trees of fruit. Students may go to the trees and pick their favorite fruit and absorb all the sweet taste of learning. Others pick all sorts of fruit to make a salad. They mix all the learning together and share it with others. These are the most productive for future generations.”  ~Enock Pariken

Enock Pariken Tree of Fruit Namelok jan 2016