Westgate Mall, by Esther Namunyak

esther namunyak westgate mall namelok nov2 013

Many thanks to Man-Ching Fung of London for making a donation to Namelok Junior Academy in Kisamis, Kenya in honor of Lucas Nilsson’s Fifth Birthday! In exchange for her donation, Esther Namunyak shares her poem “Westgate Mall,” a lament for the unthinkable violence that took place there on September 21, 2013.

A year ago, when Esther was eleven, she wrote another heartfelt piece for Lift the Lid titled “A Tribute to You,” paying homage to her classmate Jemmimer, who passed away after being stung by bees. We can see from both posts that Esther has grown over the past year, and her writing has matured, but her natural talent for bringing music and feeling to her words hasn’t changed.

This is Esther’s poem “Westgate Mall.” All are welcome to leave a positive comment for Esther.

esther namunyak westgate mall namelok nov2 013